Step On It: Choosing A Rug

Published by Catherine Nguyen

A rug: Any designer will tell you that they ground and help to separate living spaces. What they won't tell you is how hard it is to pick one out. There are so many choices. There are so many things to consider: the fabric, texture, colors and patterns in the room. How these pieces that pull a room together when done right, can really set the mood. When done wrong, they can be distracting or just downright annoying.

My dilemma, we have designed a living room that is in desperate need of a rug. See below for images of the pieces in our living room.

I want something that will be a bit lighter to contrast with our dark wood floors. It also has to be something that won't be too strong in terms of pattern since one of our accent chairs is quite strong. After searching through countless online sites and several catalogs, I narrowed it down to the following:

The top two:


At left, The Farrell rug in Slate by Feizy. It reminds me of a cross-section of a beautiful stone turned into a watercolor. Its abstract blend of colors would be a perfect complement to the colors we have in our living room now. 

At right, the Rug Squared Kona Indoor/Outdoor Red Rug is one I found on Overstock: at $199 for an 8'x11', it's quite a steal. I also like the way its color and texture bring the fabric from our family room into play:

Although the Kona rug would help as a tie-in to our other room, I'm not sure it will contrast enough with the Berkeley table by Modloft we have coming in.

After a little sleep and deliberation; maybe I even consulted my husband. The winner:

I think this rug will pull our room together with its colors and be a really beautiful focal point for the room.

Your pick? I would love to hear!

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